Determination of the conditions of the formation of decatungstate-anion in aqueous-dimetilformamide media.


  • E.Yu. Poymanova
  • G.M. Rozantsev
  • E.E. Belousova


рН-potentiometric investigation, simulation, equilibrium, aqueous-DMF media, decatungstate-anion


The methods of the pH-potentiometric titration and mathematical simulation were used to investigate the interaction in aqueous and aqueous-dimetilformamide acidified solutions of sodium tungstate at CW = 1·10–2 mol/L. The chosen model of equilibrium processes of formation of particles adequately describe the experimental curves pH = f(Z). Concentration formation constants of tungsten anion forms were calculated in aqueous and aqueous-DMF solutions. A comparative analysis of the state of tungsten ions (VI) in aqueous solution with the state in aqueous-DMF solution was completed. Tetrabutylammonium decatungstate was synthesized. IR-spectroscopy was used to identify decatungstate-anion in the salts.


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