Inheritance of leaf venation in the cultivated sunflower.


  • A.I. Soroka Институт масличных культур НААН Украины, г. Запорожье


cultivated sunflower, mutant, inheritance, leaf, venation


The inheritance of fan-shaped leaf venation in cultivated sunflower was studied. F1 hybrids from crosses of mutants with different types of fan-shaped venation were characterized by an ordinary for sunflower reticulate venation of a leaf blade, and in F2 aside from reticulated venation, both types of fan-shaped venation were isolated, as well as the class of plants with their co-expression. It is concluded that two non-allelic recessive genes with a complementary type of interaction participated in the genetic control of fan-shaped venation, as well as that reticulated venation is determined by a combination of at least two dominant alleles of the genes.


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