Orthogonal complements of ternary operations.


  • Iryna Fryz Донецький нацiональний унiверситет iменi Василя Стуса




invertible operation (quasigroup), orthogonal operations, retractly orthogonal operations, orthogonal complement, complete operation


In the article, we describe methods for construction of orthogonal ternary operations, and we study algorithms of finding orthogonal complements of a complete ternary operation and a pair of orthogonal ternary operations  to a triplet of orthogonal ternary operations. We give a complete classification of recursive algorithms for construction of orthogonal ternary operations.

Author Biography

Iryna Fryz, Донецький нацiональний унiверситет iменi Василя Стуса

провiдний спецiалiст вiддiлу аспiрантури i докторантури


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