The temperature field and displacements in semi-infinite plate with piecewise-constant heat-exchange coefficients.


  • A.I. Chyzh Інститут прикладних проблем механіки і математики НАН України ім. Я.С. Підстригача


thin plate, heat conduction, thermoelasticity, piecewise-constant heat-exchange coefficients


In this paper, a technique for solving the heat-conduction and thermoelasticity problems for a semiinfinite plate with variable heat-exchange coefficients on the facial surfaces is developed. This technique rests upon the reducing of the initial systems of differential equations to systems of linear integral equations of the second kind. By making use of the obtained solutions, the thermoelastic state of a thin isotropic plate with piecewise-constant heat-exchange coefficients is analyzed for the case of the piecewise-constant temperature field. It is shown that the piecewise-constant heat-exchange coefficients can, in some cases, significantly reduce the deflection of the plate and thereby increase its strength.


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