Non-stationary nonlinear vibration of orthotropic composite cylindrical shells with flowed liquid under external mobile pulse load
composite cylindrical shell, ideal incompressible liquid, speed of stream, speed of moving loadAbstract
Results of numerically-analytical investigation of influence of external loads which looks like a package of rectangular impulses of pressure on characteristics of nonlinear deformation of composite cylindrical shells with flowed ideal incompressible liquid are presented. Loads are considered as distributed on areas which moves along shell's surface with constant speed. On the basis of the equations of the classical shell's theory which have been written down in the mixed form the technique of calculation of the maximal values of radial deflections of shells for all time of transient process is developed and realized. Using this technique dependences of the maximal values of deflections on speed of the stream U and loads' parameters, such as speed of moving area V , quantity of full passes all shell's length by an area, duration of an impulse and its amplitude are investigated. It is shown that at fixed other load's parameters, different values U corresponds certain values V at which the maximal deflections during non-stationary vibrations are the greatest. It is established that at presence of certain ratio between rather small values U and V , fast growth of amplitudes of non-stationary vibrations at which deflections exceed borders of constructive restrictions.References
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