Features of statistical properties of the deformation field of the fractal dislocation.


  • V.S. Abramov Донецкий физико-технический институт им. А.А. Галкина НАН Украины, г. Донецк


fractal dislocation, complex deformation field, two-point model, statistical properties, mixed statistics


The object of this study is the fractal dislocation. A model sample of a finite size with the volumetric lattice in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped is being considered. We are constructing a two-point model based on the previously proposed one-point model in which a theory of fractional calculus and the concept of fractal were used. The features of the behaviour of the fractal dislocation deformation field and the possible correlation connections are investigated. The strongly pronounced stochastic behaviour of amplitudes and a phase of average functions are established. The change of the statistics from Fermi-Dirac type to the statistics of Boze-Einstein type for separate internal nodal planes is shown by the method of numerical modeling. This confirms the theoretical conclusion that there is mixed statistics.


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