On conditions for the Brandt semigroup to be non-isomorphic to the variant.


  • O.O. Desiateryk Мiжнародний науково-навчальний центр iнформацiйних технологiй та систем НАН України та МОН України




Brandt semigroup, variant, sandwich semigroup, bicyclic semigroup


In this paper we study the question if the Brandt semigroup can be a variant of another semigroup or not. For a semigroup which does not contain a bicyclic subsemigroup we proved that a variant of such semigroup is not a Brandt semigroup. For an infinite semigroup which contains a bicyclic subsemigroup a variant with a sandwich element from this bicyclic subsemigroup is not a Brandt semigroup.

Author Biography

O.O. Desiateryk, Мiжнародний науково-навчальний центр iнформацiйних технологiй та систем НАН України та МОН України

м.н.с., вiддiл нейромережевих технологiй обробки iнформацiї


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